In order to achieve our goals in the coming months we will need your help. We invite any interested parties to get involved at the DHC. We are very open to your participation and contributions!
There are two different ways you can help support the Detroit Heirloom Conservatory:
DHC Volunteer Days
every Sunday from 12 – 4pm
Some of the volunteer activities we need help with are:
-digging and earth moving
-installing our water catchment system
-building a broken concrete retaining wall for our programming space
We welcome either material or financial contributions to the garden that will help us further our mission.
DHC is now accepting the following building and gardening materials:
-reclaimed bricks
-reclaimed rubble and broken concrete (rubble larger than 8 inches preferred)
-reclaimed or salvaged wood
-gravel or aggregate
-organic compost
To make a financial contribution to the DHC please email or PayPal us at:
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